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This page displays lidar and other survey data collected as part of the 2019 Christchurch blast liquefaction tests. Visit the design safe page for more information about the project.
This test consisted of two seperate blasting events. A full lidar survey was carried out before and after each test (four lidar surveys in total). In order to evaluate the effect of each blasting event on the topography, the surrounding vegetation was removed from the pointcloud and change detection was performed between the pre and post survey of each test. Other points at the site were surveyed using a total station. The list below explains the naming convention of pointclouds under the scene tab in the sidebar:
The ground-based lidar data were collected and processed by Michael Olsen and Andrew Senogles (Oregon State University).
This page contains point-clouds in a potree viewer. Various operations can by carried out using the tools contained in the sidebar on the top left of the page. Specific information about the project can found by selecting the information icon on the right of the page.
Use the left mouse button to orbit around a point. Use the scroll wheel to zoom. Use the right mouse button to pan the view. Double click a point to fly to it and reset the rotation center.
Under "Appearance" in the sidebar, there are various appearance sliders and buttons which you can use to change the quality and settings of the potree viewer, as well as changing the background color under the "Appearance" tab.
Under "Scene" in the sidebar, this allows users to toggle and edit display of pointclouds, annotations and other features. The Change detection scale bar can be toggled by selecting the "Change Scalebar" checkbox. More information about the different pointclouds can be found by clicking the info icon at the top of right the screen.
The measurements toolbar enables some basic measurements on the pointcloud (including point query, distance/height and angle measurements, area measurements) Left click to insert a new vertex. Right click to complete a measurement. Measurements are displayed on the screen and also under the "measurements" branch in the scene tree where they can be copied or exported. The "Remove All" (red X) button will clear all measurements.
Under "tools" - "measurement", the cross-section tool allows a cross-section to be created perpendicular to the Z-axis. Create the profile by selecting the tool, left click to add vertices, right click to finish the cross-section. A profile can then be viewed/exported under the "Measurements" branch in the scene tree by selecting - "show 2d profile". The width of the cross-section can also be modified.
Click the following link to download the survey data collected in this project as a .csv Visit the Home Page