{"data_file": "https://research.engr.oregonstate.edu/hamdaoui/RFFP-dataset/Diff_Configurations_Setup/Config4/IQ_4.sigmf-meta", "_metadata": {"captures": [{"core:date": "2021-06-04", "core:sample_start": 0, "frequency": "915 MHz"}], "global": {"core:author": "Abdurrahman Elmaghbub", "core:sample_rate": "1 MS/s", "core:description": "SigMF IQ samples recording of over-the-air LoRa transmissions collected by a fixed USRP B210 as a receiver. The data is collected in an indoor environment, with a transmitter-receiver separation distance of 5m. The transmitter emitted LoRa compliant frames generated via a Gnuradio. We used the following LoRa configuration: Raw-LoRa mode, a channel bandwidth of 125KHz, a spreading factor of 12, a preambleof 8, a TX power of 20dBm, and a coding rate of 4/5", "core:datatype": "cf32"}, "annotations": [{"core:sample_start": 0, "wines:transmitter": {"model": "Fipy", "ID": {"Transmitter ID": "4", "Transmission ID": 1}, "antenna": {"model": "LoRa Whip, Tilt RF", "type": "Vertical", "gain": 1}}, "wines:reciever": {"model": "Ettus USRP B210 with CBX ( 1200-6000 MH, 40 MHz BW) Daughterboard", "antenna": {"model": "Ettus VERT900", "type": "Vertical", "gain": 1}}, "core:sample_count": 20000000}]}, "version": "0.02", "schema": {"captures": {"sort": "core:sample_start", "keys": {"core:time": {"required": false, "type": "string", "help": "Start time of chunk"}, "core:sampling_rate": {"required": false, "type": "double", "help": "Sampling rate of signal (MSps)"}, "core:sample_start": {"required": true, "type": "uint", "help": "Index of first sample of this chunk"}, "core:frequency": {"required": false, "type": "double", "help": "Center frequency of signal (GHz)"}}, "required": true, "type": "dict_list"}, "global": {"keys": {"core:date": {"pattern": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "help": "ISO 8601-formatted date (e.g., 2017-02-01T15:05:03+00:00)"}, "core:sha512": {"required": false, "type": "string", "help": "SHA512 hash of the corresponding sample data file"}, "core:version": {"default": null, "required": true, "type": "string", "help": "Version of the SigMF specification"}, "core:author": {"required": false, "type": "string", "help": "Name and optionally email address of the author"}, "core:description": {"required": false, "type": "string", "help": "Textual description of the capture."}, "core:hw": {"required": false, "type": "string", "help": "Information about the hardware used (measurement setup, antennas, etc.)"}, "core:offset": {"required": false, "type": "uint", "help": "Index offset of the first sample. Defaults to 0"}, "core:datatype": {"required": true, "type": "string", "help": "Sample data format"}, "core:license": {"required": false, "type": "string", "help": "Sample data license"}}, "required": true, "type": "dict"}, "annotations": {"sort": "core:sample_start", "keys": {"wines:transmitter": {"keys": {"model": {"required": true, "type": "string"}, "antenna": {"keys": {"low_frequency": {"type": "number"}, "cable_loss": {"required": true, "type": "number"}, "gain": {"type": "number"}, "high_frequency": {"type": "number"}, "model": {"type": "string"}, "type": {"type": "string"}}, "required": true, "type": "dict_list", "help": "antenna"}, "device_id": {"type": "string"}}, "required": true, "type": "dict_list", "help": "Transmitter Information"}, "core:sample_start": {"required": true, "type": "uint", "help": "Index of first sample of this chunk"}, "core:comment": {"required": false, "type": "string", "help": "Comment"}, "core:sample_count": {"required": true, "type": "uint", "help": "The number of samples described by this segment"}}, "required": true, "type": "dict_list", "wines:receiver": {"keys": {"model": {"required": true, "type": "string"}, "antenna": {"keys": {"low_frequency": {"type": "number"}, "cable_loss": {"required": true, "type": "number"}, "gain": {"type": "number"}, "high_frequency": {"type": "number"}, "model": {"type": "string"}, "type": {"type": "string"}}, "required": true, "type": "dict_list", "help": "antenna"}, "device_id": {"type": "string"}}, "required": true, "type": "dict_list", "help": "Transmitter Information"}}}}