We have a number of computed tomography data sets available for download (we are currentl working on uploading all the data specs to this site, but as you can see, we are not up to date yet).

Please contact Dorthe Wildenschild for access: dorthe@engr.oregonstate.edu

Title Location Date Publications Porous Medium Experiment Images Experimenters
APS 07/2015 glass beads 3-phase fluids, water-wet, drainage-imbibition, flow rate 0.5 ml.hr, noon-spreading (decane) 1) drainage and imbibition with 2 fluids: water and oil 2) drainage and imbibition with 3 fluids: water, oil and air. Air injection at Sw=19% Andersson
APS 04/2016 glass beadd 3-phase fluids, water-wet, drainage-imbibition, flow rate 0.5 ml.hr, non-spreading (decane) 1) drainage and imbibition with 2 fluids: water and oil 2) drainage and imbibition with 3 fluids: water, oil and air. Air injection at Sw=42% Andersson
APS 04/2016 glass beads packs Ag colloids, drainage (air-water system), three different flow rates (0.5, 5, and 50 ml/hr) Chris Brueck
APS 11/2015 glass beads packs Data with bubbles generated by x-ray exposure. A) "non-equilibrium experiment" - single-step generation of a characteristic curve using fast tomography. Flow @ 0.2 mL/hr. B) "Quasi-equilibrium experiment" - multi-step generation of a characteristic curve using fast tomography. Flow @ 0.2 mL/hr Douglas Meisenheimer
APS 08/2017 glass beads packs 3-phase fluids, mixed-wet, drainage-imbibition, flow rate 0.5 ml.hr, non-spreading (decane) 1) drainage and imbibition with 2 fluids: water and oil 2) drainage and imbibition with 3 fluids: water, oil and air. Air injection at Sw=73% Paustian, Wildenschild
APS 03/2017 glass beads packs 3-phase fluids, water-wet, drainage-imbibition, flow rate 0.5 ml.hr, non-spreading (decane) 1) drainage and imbibition with 2 fluids: water and oil 2) drainage and imbibition with 3 fluids: water, oil and air. Air injection at Sw=72% Paustian, Wildenschild
APS 11/2016 glass beads packs Fast x-ray bubble creation experiments, obtain parameters to reduce bubble formation (1 mm Cu filter, 1.5 mrad mirror, 15 ms exposure, x-rays off between scans) Doug Meisenheimer
APS 11/2016 glass beads packs A) "Non-equilibrium" experiment" - single-step generation of a characteristic curve using fast tomography. Flow @ 0.2 mL/hr. B) "Quasi-equilibrium experiment" - multi-step generation of a characteristic curve using fast tomography. Flow @ 0.2 mL/hr Doug Meisenheimer
APS 11/2012 various (beads, crushed glass, Bentheimer) Effect of pore structure and topology non-wetting phase trapping , Andersson, Herring
OSU microCT 12/2011 Sintered glass beads Exploring effect of interfacial tension, viscosity and flow rate on trapping of NW phase Harper (Kimbrel)
APS 11/2012 glass beads Effect of Re number on biofilm growth , Iltis
APS 06/2011 glass bead mixtures, crushed glass mixtures, Bentheimer sandstone effect of pore morphology on MEOR Armstrong, Harper (Kimbrel)
APS 11/2010 oil-wet and water-wet bead mixtures MEOR with biosurfactant and JF-2 Armstrong
ALS 07/2008 2D micromodel biofilm growth in 2D micromodel (Shewanella Oneidensis) Jansik, Armstrong, Wildenschild
ALS 10/2007 CMT mix CMT mix with fluids - test run at ALS beam-line Wildenschild
APS 07/2007 square tubes with menisci McClure, Wildenschild
APS 07/2007 toothpick Visualizing Ag-coated hollow glass spheres on toothpick , Wildenschild, Jansik
APS 07/2007 precision beads (0.8 mm +_ 0.01 mm diameter) low and high resolution image of precison beads (sponge on top to hold beads in place) Porter, Wildenschild, McClure, Jansik
APS 07/2007 glass capillary tube imaging menisci in cpapillary tubes with 2 different diameters Porter, Wildenschild, McClure, Jansik
APS 07/2007 glass bead mix with biofilm imaging biofilms in 3D porous media using neutrally buoyant, silver-coated hollow glass microspheres (10 um diameter) as contrast agent Jansik, Wildenschild
APS 11/2006 glass capillary tube imaged mensicus in capillary tube for testing image processing approaches Porter, Jansik, Wildenschild
APS 11/2006 glass bead mix (CMT mix) (in glass holder) Oil-water drainage-imbibition + full scan at end of third imbibition (glass column) , Porter, Jansik, Wildenschild
APS 12/2005 crushed volcanic tuff (8/20 sand) imaging films in crushed tuff (using RbBr) Wildenschild, Jansik
APS 12/2005 glass bead mix (35% 650 um, 35% 850 um, and 30% 1000-1400 um) imaged two entire sintered glass bead cores (16.6 um), 6 sections each Wildenschild, Jansik
APS 08/2005 crushed volcanic tuff (8/20 sand) Fast/slow drainage/imbibition between equilibrium points only , Wildenschild, Jansik, Schaap
APS 11/2004 crushed volcanic tuff (8/20 sand) first biofilm imaging attempt + imaging films in crushed tuff (using RbBr) Wildenschild, Porter, Jansik, Culligan
APS 07/2003 glass bead mix (35% 650 um, 35% 850 um, and 30% 1000-1400 um) "interfacial area measurement (drainage/imbibition - oil-water system). Fast drainage/ imbibition at 6 ml/hr between static points Fast and slow drainage/ imbibition between static end points " Wildenschild, Culligan, Harlou
APS 02/2003 glass bead mix (35% 650 um, 35% 850 um, and 30% 1000-1400 um) interfacial area measurement (drainage/imbibition - oil-water system). Wildenschild, Culligan, Christensen
APS 04/2002 glass bead mix (35% 650 um, 35% 850 um, and 30% 1000-1400 um) interfacial area measurement (drainage/imbibition - air-water system) Wildenschild, Culligan, Christensen
APS 05/2001 8/20 sand (crushed volcanic tuff), silt effect of drainage rate Wildenschild, Christensen
