Affiliated with:
International Council on Systems Engineering
Chair Systems Science Working Group | Bridge Team | Technical Program Chair INCOSE IS2024
American Society for Engineering Management
Fellow | Chair Systems Engineering Track
Peer Reviewed Publications (students in bold)
Books & Book Chapters
Watson, M. D., Mesmer, B., Roedler, G., Rousseau, D., Gold, R., Calvo-Amodio, J., Jones, C., Miller, William D., Long, D., Lucero, S., Russell, R. W., Sedmak,A., Verma, D., (2019). Systems Engineering Principles and Hypotheses, INSIGHT, 21:1, (pp. 18-28), Hoboken: Wiley.
Sillars, D. N., Ng, E. H., Calvo-Amodio, J., Capalbo, S., Martin, M., Jahanger, Q. K., ... & Elatlasi, R. (2017). Advanced technology: Return on investment at the Oregon Department of Transportation. Oregon Department of Transportation, Salem, OR, An Investigative Report, 30530-16.
Flumerfelt, S., Alves, A., Calvo-Amodio, J., Hoyle, C., & Kahlen, F. J. (2017). “Managing Systems Complexity Through Congruence”. In Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Complex Systems (pp. 115-144). Springer International Publishing. (contributed text, case study, data, and analysis)
Refereed Journal Publications
Watson, M., Mesmer, B., Roedler, G., Rousseau, D., Calvo-Amodio, J., Keating, C., Miller, W.D., Lucero, S., Gold, R., Jones, C., Long, D., Russel, R.W., Sedmack, A. (2022) Systems Engineering Principles. INCOSE Technical Product, International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE).
Zhang, H., Veltri, A., Calvo-Amodio, J., & Haapala, K. R. (2021). Making the business case for sustainable manufacturing in small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises: A systems decision making approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 287, 125038.
Kittelman, S., & Calvo‐Amodio, J. (2020). A taxonomy of purposeful human activity system signs as a means to improving systems literacy. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 37(5), 789-803.
Watson, M., Mesmer, B., Roedler, G., Rousseau, D., Keating, C., Gold, R., Calvo-Amodio, J., Jones, C., Miller, W.D., Lucero, S., Sedmak, A., Pyster, A. (2020). Systems Engineering Principles, Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge, SEBoK v. 2.3, released 30 October 2020 INCOSE. SEBoK Wiki accessed 1/30/2021 (https://www.sebokwiki.org/wiki/Systems_Engineering_Principles)
Martin, M. A., Jahanger, Q. K., Zimmerman, G., Hadziomerspahic, A., Sillars, D. N., Ng, E. H., & Calvo-Amodio, J. (2020). “Case Study: Economic Analysis of Statewide Roadway 3D Mapping Using Mobile LiDAR”. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 146(7).
Taylor, S., Calvo-Amodio, J., & Well, J. (2020). “A Method for Measuring Systems Thinking Learning”. Systems, 8(2), 11.
Marthandam, N. S., Ng, E. H., Calvo-Amodio, J., Narwankar, C., & Barroso, L. A., “Validating a model for forecasting the project termination phase using existing business cases,” The Engineering Economist, 64(2), 142-166, 2019
Rousseau, D., & Calvo‐Amodio, J. (2019). Systems Principles, Systems Science, and the Future of Systems Engineering. INSIGHT, 22(1), 13-15.
Calvo‐Amodio J., (2019). Using principles as activity drivers in human activity systems. Systems Research and Behavioral Science. pp. 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1002/sres.2625
Calvo-Amodio, J., & Rousseau, D. (2019, January). The Human Activity System: Emergence from Purpose, Boundaries, Relationships, and Context. In Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference on Systems Engineering Research, Washington DC, 3-4 April.
Rousseau D, Billingham J, Calvo‐Amodio J., (2019). Systemic virtues as a foundation for a general theory of design elegance. Systems Research and Behavioral Science. pp 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1002/sres.2627
Rousseau, D., Billingham, J., & Calvo-Amodio, J. (2018). Systemic Semantics: A Systems Approach to Building Ontologies and Concept Maps. Systems, 6(3), 32.
Kittelman, S., Calvo‐Amodio, J., & Martínez León, H. C. (2018). A systems analysis of communication: defining the nature of and principles for communication within human activity systems. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 35(5), 520-537, 2018
Tong, A., Calvo, J., & Haapala, K. R. (2018). Integration of Sustainability Indicators and the Viable System Model Towards a Systemic Sustainability Assessment Methodology. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 35(5), 564-587, 2018
Rousseau, D., Billingham, J., & Calvo-Amodio, J. (2018). Systemic Semantics: A Systems Approach to Building Ontologies and Concept Maps. Systems, 6(3), 32.
Flumerfelt, S., Calvo-Amodio, J., Porter Medina, J.D., (2017). Tapping the Potential of Sensemaking for Performance Management. Measuring Business Excellence (contributed text, accepted, in press)
Martínez-Leon. H. C., & Calvo-Amodio, J. (2016). Towards lean for sustainability: Understanding the interrelationships between lean and sustainability from a systems thinking perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.11.132 (provided systems thinking perspective and initial idea)
Moore, B., Calvo-Amodio, J., & Junker, J. F. (2016) Applying a Framework for Complementarist Intervention Approaches to Service Organizations to Achieve a Sustainable Holistic Management Model. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 1-27. DOI:10.1007/s11213-016-9403-6 (provided initial idea, student advisor)
Calvo-Amodio, J., Patterson, P.E., Smith, M.L., Burns, J.L. (2015) Application of Transition-Phase Management Model for an Electronic Health Record System Implementation: A Case Study. Engineering Management Journal, Vol 27, Issue 3, pp. 131-140 DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10429247.2015.1064662 (primary author)
Robinson, T. A., Calvo-Amodio, J., & Parmigiani, J. P. (2015) Capstone Design as an Individual Writing Experience. International Journal of Engineering Education Vol. 31, No. 6(B), pp. 1902–1923 DOI: n.a. ISSN: 0949-149X (Contributed text)
Zhang, H., Calvo-Amodio, J., Haapala, K.R. (2015), Establishing Foundational Concepts for Sustainable Manufacturing Systems Assessment through Systems Thinking, International Journal of Strategic Engineering Asset Management, Vol 2, Issue 3, pp. 249-269.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSEAM.2015.072124 (provided initial idea, student co-advisor)
Calvo-Amodio, J., Tercero, V.G., Ramirez, J., and Martinez, I.A. (2014) Systemic Analysis of the Effects that Academic Performance has on Six Sigma Certification Rates; Engineering Management Journal Vol. 26, Issue 4, pp. 13-22. DOI: 10.1080/10429247.2014.11432024 (primary author)
Calvo-Amodio, J., Patterson, P.E., Smith, M.L., Burns, J.R. (2014) A Generalized System Dynamics Model for Managing Transition-Phases in Healthcare Environments. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Innovation Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 13-30. DOI: n.a. ISSN (on-line): 2215-1389 (primary author)
Hyder, I., Arnold, D., Calvo-Amodio, J., Parmigiani, J.P. (2013) Using Graduate Assistants as Project Advisers for Externally-Sponsored Capstone Design Projects. International Journal of Engineering Education Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 1-11. DOI: n.a. (contributed text)
Zhang, H., Calvo-Amodio, J., Haapala, K.R. (2013), A Conceptual Model for Assisting Sustainable Manufacturing through System Dynamics, Journal of Manufacturing Systems. Vol. 32, Issue 4, pp. 543- 549 DOI: 10.1016/j.jmsy.2013.05.007 (Top 10 Downloaded Journal of Manufacturing Systems Articles; student co-advisor)
Peer Reviewed Conference Publications
Liao, H., Calvo-Amodio, J., (2022) Purposeful Human Activity System: A Foundation for Managing Alignment Between Organizational Thinking and Doing. Proceedings of the International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management 2022, Tampa, FL (50% acceptance rate)
Wilkinson, N. T, (2022) Middle Management: A Systemic Consideration of Middle Managers Role in Organizations. Proceedings of the International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management 2022, Tampa, FL (50% acceptance rate)
Jacobsen, M .P., (2019) A Methodology for Designing Enduring Human Activity Systems. Proceedings of the International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management 2019, Philadelphia, PA (50% acceptance rate)
Wilkinson, N., Calvo-Amodio, J., (2019) A Proposed Conceptual Framework for Predicting Changes in Beliefs and Perceptions of Employees. Proceedings of the International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management 2019, Philadelphia, PA (50% acceptance rate)
Joshi, S. P., & Calvo-Amodio, J. (2018). Management-led Participative Continuous Process Improvement. In Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the ISSS-2018 Corvallis, OR, USA (Vol. 1, No. 1).
Taylor, S.G., Calvo-Amodio, J., Well, J. (2018) A proposed methodology for developing systems thinking lessons by and for non-experts. Proceedings of the International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management 2018, Cor D’ Alene, Idaho (60% acceptance rate)
Kittelman, S.M., Calvo-Amodio, J., Barca, R.H. (2016) A Conceptual Framework on the Role of Communication Competency in New Process Implementations Efforts. Proceedings of the International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management 2016, Charlotte, N.C. pp. 491-500 (provided initial idea; 60% acceptance rate)
Sprunger, A.M., Kittelman, S.M., Jacobsen, M. P., Chapman, L.J., Calvo-Amodio, J., Barca, R.H. (2016) New Process Implementation: A Matter of Congruency Between Learning, Knowledge, and Practice. Proceedings of the International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management 2016, Charlotte, N.C. pp. 416-425 (provided initial idea; 60% acceptance rate)
Elatlassi, R., Martin, M.A., Calvo-Amodio, J., Ng, E.H. (2016) A Systemic View on Game Theory: Modeling a Game of Battle of the Sexes Using Archetypes as Proof of Concept. Proceedings of the International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management 2016, Charlotte, N.C. pp. 300-309 (provided initial idea; 60% acceptance rate)
Solberg, T.R., Calvo-Amodio, J., Ng, E.H., Reintjes, R.T. (2016) Proposed Methodology for Process Improvement at Oregon State University Athletic Department Team Travel Operations. Proceedings of the International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management 2016, Charlotte, N.C. pp. 218-227 (provided initial idea; 60% acceptance rate)
Wang, S., Elatlassi, R., Calvo-Amodio, J. (2016) Critical Systems Thinking on Enterprise Architecture. Proceedings of the International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management 2016, Charlotte, N.C. pp. 501-509 (provided initial idea; 60% acceptance rate)
Narwankar, C.S., Elatlassi, R., Wang, S., Calvo-Amodio, J., Flumerfelt, S., Porter-Medina, J.D. (2016) Increasing Competency in Human Activity Systems Using Boundary Critique. Proceedings of the International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management 2016, Charlotte, N.C. pp. 228-237 (provided initial idea; 60% acceptance rate)
Kopriva, C.A., Calvo-Amodio, J. (2016) An Application of Visual Management to Reduce Wastes in In-House Material Handling Systems in Small and Medium-Sized Organizations. Proceedings of the International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management 2016, Charlotte, N.C. pp. 728-731 (provided initial idea; 60% acceptance rate)
Tong, A., Calvo-Amodio, J., Haapala, K., R., (2015) A Dynamic Model of Job Satisfaction and Turnover: Framework for Model Development and Simulation. Proceedings of the International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management 2015, Indianapolis, IN. pp. 327-335 (student advisor; 70% acceptance rate)
Sprunger, A., M., Calvo-Amodio, J., (2015) A Proposed Conceptual Model to Analyze Team Congruence at a Large Manufacturing Operation. Proceedings of the International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management 2015, Indianapolis, IN. pp. 243-248 (provided main idea, student advisor; 70% acceptance rate)
Kittelman, S.M, Calvo-Amodio, J., (2015) Project Management and Effective Communication: A Study of Linguistic Philosophy for Communication Competency. Proceedings of the International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management 2015, Indianapolis, IN. pp. 327-335 (student advisor; 70% acceptance rate)
Alkharashi, A., Calvo-Amodio, J., (2015) The Use of Multiple Project Management Strategies, Project Type Tracks, Scaffolding and Websites in a Large and Multi-Disciplinary Capstone Design Course. Proceedings of the International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management 2015, Indianapolis, IN. pp. 327-335 (provided main idea, student advisor; 70% acceptance rate)
Ng, E.H, Veltri, A., Tong, A., Calvo-Amodio, J., Haapala, K.R., (2015) Safety: Let's Start at The Beginning. Proceedings of the International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management 2015, Indianapolis, IN. pp. 388-394 (contributed text, student advisor; 70% acceptance rate)
McGrath, J.O., Calvo-Amodio, J., (2015) A State of the Art Matrix Analysis on Multi-Project Management in Capstone Senior Design Courses. Proceedings of the International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management 2015, Indianapolis, IN. pp. 327-335 (provided main idea, student advisor; 70% acceptance rate)
McGrath, J.O., Calvo-Amodio, J. (2014) Cloud Based Mobile Tool to Enable Collaboration and Mentoring Opportunities in the MIME Capstone Design Class at Oregon State University, Proceedings of the 2014 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, Montreal, Canada. pp.3629-3635 (provided main idea, student advisor; acceptance rate not available)
Royce, A., Vanderputten, M., Calvo-Amodio, J. (2014) Sustaining Annual Student Design Competitions through a Capstone Design Class and a Knowledge Management System, Proceedings of the 2014 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, Montreal, Canada. pp. 2165-2174 (provided main idea, student advisor; acceptance rate not available)
Saravana Marthandam, N., Calvo-Amodio, J., Ng, E.H., (2014). Terminating a Failed Project Without Affecting the Market Value of the Firm, Proceedings of the 2014 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, Montreal, Canada. pp. 3552-3563 (provided main idea, student advisor; acceptance rate not available)
Girod, O., Zhang, H., Calvo-Amodio, J., Haapala, K.R. (2014) A Proposed Hybrid-Dynamic Manufacturing System for High Mix Low Volume Manufacturers, Proceedings of the 2014 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, Montreal, Canada. pp. 2583-2592 (provided main idea, student advisor; acceptance rate not available)
Chongvilaiwan, T., Harger, R., Calvo-Amodio, J., Vergara, H.A., Lopez-Cevallos, D., (2014) A Proposed Approach to Develop a Healthcare Delivery Management System for Long-Term Humanitarian Development, Proceedings of the 2014 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, Montreal, Canada. pp. 2999-3005 (provided main idea, student advisor; acceptance rate not available)
Parameshwaran Kashi, V., Calvo-Amodio, J. (2014) A Should Cost Analysis through Significance Testing using Statistical Tools, Proceedings of the 2014 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, Montreal, Canada. pp. 3646-3653 (student advisor; acceptance rate not available)
Flumerfelt, S., Kahlen, F.J., Alves, A., Calvo-Amodio, J., Hoyle, C. (2014) Systems Competency for Engineering Practice. In ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Montreal, Canada. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, pp. V011T14A054-V011T14A054 (acceptance rate not available)
Moore, B., Calvo-Amodio, J., Junker, J. F., (2014) Sustainable management structure for dynamic non-profit organizations: integrating lean thinking and knowledge management through systems thinking. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Management 2014 International Annual Conference, Virginia Beach, VA. pp. 347-360 (provided main idea, student advisor; 75% acceptance rate)
McGrath, J.O., Calvo-Amodio, J. (2014) Mobile tool to enable accelerated information transfer in the MIME Capstone Design class at Oregon State University. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Management 2014 International Annual Conference, Virginia Beach, VA. pp. 388-393 (provided main idea, student advisor; 75% acceptance rate)
Chongvilaiwan, T., Calvo-Amodio, J., Junker, J.F. (2014) A theoretical framework for the design of an energy analysis collaborative structure using soft systems methodology. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Management 2014 International Annual Conference, Virginia Beach, VA. pp. 361-370 (provided main idea, student advisor; 75% acceptance rate)
Calvo-Amodio, J., Ng, E.H., Vergara, H.A., Patterson, P.E., Hernandez, S. (2014). A proposed integrated framework for identifying special signal patterns from pseudo-real-time data: Application to geocoded social media data. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Management 2014 International Annual Conference, Virginia Beach, Va. pp. 193-199 (provided main idea, 75% acceptance rate)
Zhang, H., Calvo-Amodio, J., Haapala, K. R. (2013). A Systems Thinking Approach for Modeling Sustainable Manufacturing Problems in Enterprises, Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Management 2013 International Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN. pp. 239-249 (student advisor; 75% acceptance rate)
McGrath, J., Calvo-Amodio, J. A State of the Art Matrix Analysis on Technology Based Training in Rapid Turnover Workplaces, Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Management 2013 International Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN. pp. 430-439 (provided main idea, student advisor; 75% acceptance rate)
Zhang, H., Calvo-Amodio, J., Haapala, K.R. (2013). Assisting Sustainable Manufacturing through System Dynamics: A Conceptual Model, Proceedings of NAMRI/SME, Vol. 31, Madison, WI. (student advisor; acceptance rate not available)
Calvo-Amodio, J. (2013) Transition-Phase Management Model as an Action Research Tool for Healthcare Managers, Proceedings of the 2013 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico. p. 765 (acceptance rate not available)
Calvo-Amodio, J., Patterson, P., & Smith, M. L. (2012). A Proposed Conceptual System Dynamics Model for Managing Transition-Phases in Healthcare Environments. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Management 2012 International Annual Conference, Virginia Beach, Va. pp. 278-283 (primary author)
Ng, E.H, Calvo-Amodio, J, Natarajan, G., Simonton, J. (2012). When to Stop Beating a Dead Horse: Economic of Terminating Failed Project. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Management 2012 International Annual Conference, Virginia Beach, Va. pp. 171-173 (contributed text)
Other Peer-Reviewed Publications
Calvo-Amodio, J. (2021). Theoretical Foundations and Practical Application of Purposeful Human Activity Systems., Systems Engineering Newsjournal, 101,21.
Rousseau, D., Calvo-Amodio, J., (2019) Systems Principles, Systems Science, and the Future of Systems Engineering, INSIGHT Magazine, INCOSE, V 22, Issue 1
Taylor, S.G., Calvo-Amodio, J., Well, J. (2019). Defining and Measuring the Systems Thinking Learning Process for Non-Experts. In Proceedings of the 63rd Annual Meeting of the ISSS - 2019 Corvallis, OR. Vol. 1. No.1 (80% acceptance rate)
Joshi, S.P., Calvo-Amodio, J. (2018) Participative management-led kaizen (continuous process improvement). In Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the ISSS - 2018 Corvallis, OR. Vol. 1. No.1 (80% acceptance rate)
Tong, A., Calvo-Amodio, J., Haapala, K.R., (2017) Integration of Sustainability Performance Indicators and the Viable System Model toward a Sustainable Systems Assessment Methodology. In Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the ISSS - 2017 Vienna, Austria. Vol. 1. No.1 (co-advised student; 85% acceptance rate, 12 pages -paper won Anatole Rapaport Best Paper Award)
Wang, S., Calvo-Amodio, J., (2017) Understanding Human Activity Systems: A Study Using General Systems Science Principles. In Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the ISSS - 2017 Vienna, Austria. Vol. 1. No.1 (provided main idea, advised student; 85% acceptance rate; 10 pages)
Narwankar, C.S., Wang, S., Elatlassi, R., Calvo-Amodio, J., (2016) Complementarist Approach to Categorize Different Stakeholders Within Socio-Technical Systems. In Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the ISSS - 2016 Boulder, Colorado. Vol. 1. No.1 (provided main idea; 85% acceptance rate, 8 pages)
Elatlassi, R., Narwankar, C.S., Calvo-Amodio, J., (2016) A Categorization of Socio-Technical Systems Approaches Based on Context and Purpose. In Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the ISSS - 2016 Boulder, Colorado. Vol. 1. No.1 (provided main idea; 85% acceptance rate, 10 pages)
Moore, B., Calvo-Amodio, J., Junker, J. F., (2015) Applying a Framework for Complementarist Intervention Approaches to Service Organizations to Achieve a Sustainable Holistic Management Model. Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the ISSS - 2015 Berlin, Germany. Vol. 1. No.1 (provided main idea; 85% acceptance rate, 10 pages)
Calvo-Amodio, J., Flumerfelt, S. (2015) Sense-Making Between and Across Stakeholder Perspectives. Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the ISSS - 2015 Berlin, Germany. Vol. 1. No.1 (primary author; 85% acceptance rate, 6 pages)
McGrath, J. O., Bintoro, L. S., Chongvilaiwan, T., Calvo-Amodio, J., McGinley, P. J., Shepherd, C. R., & Van Ness, E. E. (2014). Truck Cab Scoring Tool: An Ergonomic and Anthropometric Analysis Tool for Assisting Fleet-Purchasing Decisions. In Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting (No. 14-3108). Washington DC, 10 pages
Calvo-Amodio, J., Flumerfelt, S., Hoyle, C. (2014) A complementarist approach to lean systems management. 2014 International Society for the Systems Sciences Conference, Washington D.C. (primary author), 10 pages
Robinson, T. A., Calvo-Amodio, J., & Parmigiani, J. P. (2014) Capstone Design as an Individual Writing Experience. Proceedings of the 2014 Capstone Conference, Columbus, OH. (contributed text, 10 pages)
Parmigiani, J. P., Calvo-Amodio, J., & Robinson, T. A. (2014) Acquiring a Consistent Source of Quality Capstone Projects. Proceedings of the 2014 Capstone Conference, Columbus, OH. (contributed text, 10 pages)
Photo by Ryan Hekker © 2023