1. Sharma, D., Carter, J., and Blunck, D., “Development of a novel methodology to acquire heat flux of firebrands generated from burning structures.” 9th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference, American Society of Thermal and Fluids Engineers (ASTFE), Corvallis, USA, 2024.

  2. Shrestha, P., Singh, A., Evitt, D., Sharma, D., MacCarty, N., and Blunck, D., “Quantifying the Effect of Chemical Composition of Five Trees/Shrubs on Pollutant Emissions” 9th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference, American Society of Thermal and Fluids Engineers (ASTFE), Corvallis, USA, 2024.

  1. Sharma, D., Shrestha, P., and Blunck, D., “Quantifying the Effect of Chemical Composition of Five Trees/Shrubs on Pollutant Emissions.” 2023 WSSCI Fall Technical Meeting Organized by the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, Northridge, California, USA, 2023. 

  2. M. Andersen, D. Blunck, C. Hagen, “Pyrolyzates of Live Vegetative Fuel,” 13th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, College Station, TX (2023). 

  3. P. Tiwari, N. Gardner, D. Blunck, “Influence of Adjacent Fuels on Ignition and Burning During Wildfires,” 13th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, College Station, TX (2023).

  4. N. Gardner, D. Blunck, “Ignition and Burning Behavior of Individual and Groups of Live Douglas-fir Needles,” 13th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, College Station, TX (2023). 

  1. A. Ross, H. Boriyo, C. Flaherty, M. Hilliker, D. Blunck, “The Influence of Wind Speed on Smoldering Behavior of Cellulose,” 12th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, College Station, TX, (2021).

  2. A. Ross, D. Blunck, “The Influence of Heat Transfer and Oxygen Availability on Smoldering Behavior Through a Porous Fuel,” 12th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, College Station, TX, (2021).

  3. S. Adusumilli, D. Blunck, “Size Distribution and Species Dependence of Firebrands Produced During Tree-scale Burns,” 12th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, College Station, TX, (2021).

  4. K. Teope, D. Blunck, “Analysis of the Effect of Turbulence Intensity on Forced Ignition of Jet-A/air Mixtures,” 12th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, College Station, TX, (2021).

  5. B. Smucker, D. Blunck, “The Efficacy of Surrogates to Estimate Smoldering Behavior of Natural Fuels,” 12th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, College Station, TX, (2021).

  6. H. Fazeli, N., Gardner, D. Blunck, “Identifying Influence of Droplet Ejection and Burning on Ignition and Burning of Live Fuels,” 12th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, College Station, TX, (2021).

  7. N. Gardner, D. Blunck, “A study of the importance of droplet ejection and burning during ignition and burning of groups of thermally thin live fuels,” 12th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, College Station, TX, (2021).

  8. D. Bean, D. Blunck, “Effect of Fuel Bed Composition on Flame Ignition,” 12th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, College Station, TX, (2021)

  1. Z. Hoter, J. Bonebrake, D. Blunck, “Radiation Emissions from Turbulent Premixed Jet-A/Air Flames Diluted with Combustion Products,” AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition 2020, Orlando, FL (2020).
  2. A. Alkhalifa, J. Bonebrake, D. Blunck, “Effects of Thermal Stressing on the Turbulent Flame Speed of Jet Fuel,” AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition 2020, Orlando, FL (2020).
  3. K. Teope, J. Bonebrake, D. Blunck “Effect of CO2 and N2 dilution on Forced Ignition,” AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition 2020, Orlando, FL (2020).
  1. D. Bean, D. Blunck, “Identifying processes controlling ignition of fuel beds by firebrands,” 11th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, Pasadena, CA, (2019).
  2. D. Cowan, D. Blunck, “Effects of Fuel Characteristics on Spread Rate and Surface Temperatures of Smoldering Duff,” 11th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, Pasadena, CA, (2019).
  3. J. Bonebrake, T. Ombrello, D. Blunck, “Effect of CO2 Dilution on the Ignition and Development of CH4/air Ignition Kernels,” 11th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, Pasadena, CA, (2019).
  4. B. Smucker, W. Jayasuriya, K. Niemeyer, D. Blunck, “Influence of Lignin on Smoldering Propagation” 11th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, Pasadena, CA, (2019).
  5. T. Hudson, R. Bray, D. Blunck, “Effects of Fuel Morphology on Ember Generation Characteristics at the Tree-scale” 11th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, Pasadena, CA, (2019).
  6. J. Bonebrake, T. Ombrello, D. Blunck, “Effect of Dilution with NO on Spark Ignition of CH4/Air Ignition Kernels,” AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition 2019, San Diego, CA (2019).
  7. N. Schorn, J. Bonebrake, B. Pendergrass, A. Fillo, D. Blunck, “Turbulent Consumption Speed of Large Hydrocarbon Fuels at Sub-Atmospheric Conditions,” AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition 2019, San Diego, CA (2019).
  1. J. Bonebrake, T. Ombrello, D. Blunck, “Effect of CO2 Dilution on Ignition Probability of CH4/Air Ignition Kernels,” Western States Section of the Combustion Institute Meeting, Bend, OR (2018).
  2. D. Caplan, D. Blunck, “Effects of Sub-Atmospheric Pressures on the Temperature Evolution of Spark Kernels,” AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition 2018, Kissimmee, FL (2018).
  1. B. Smucker, D. Cowan, D. Blunck, “Effects of Fuel Composition and Packing Density on Horizontal Smoldering Propagation,” Western States Section of the Combustion Institute Meeting, Laramie, WY (2017).
  2. P. Weide, D. Blunck, “Flame Stability and Liftoff Heights of Surrogate Jet Fuel Burned near Mild Combustion Conditions,” Western States Section of the Combustion Institute Meeting, Laramie, WY (2017).
  3. N. Schorn, D. Blunck, “Flame Stability of Turbulent Premixed Jet Flames of Large Hydrocarbon Fuels,” Western States Section of the Combustion Institute Meeting, Laramie, WY (2017).
  4. D. Cowan, B. Smucker, D. Blunck, “Sensitivity of Smoldering Combustion to Cellulose and Hemicellulose Content,” 10th US Combustion Meeting, College Park, MD (2017).
  5. A. Fillo, J. Bonebrake, D. Blunck, “Impact of Fuel Chemistry and Stretch Rate on the Global Consumption Speed of Large Hydrocarbon Fuel/Air Flames,” 10th US Combustion Meeting, College Park, MD (2017).
  6. D. Bean, M. Zaiger, R. Nelke, P. Beck, I. Walters, D. Blunck, “Effect of Combustion Products on Detonation Velocities,” 10th US Combustion Meeting, College Park, MD (2017).
  7. T. Hudson, M. Carter, D. Blunck, “Effects of Fuel Composition and Size on Ember Generation Characteristics for Wildland Fire Applications,” 10th US Combustion Meeting, College Park, MD (2017).
  8. E. Walters, D. Blunck, “Stability and Liftoff of Non-Premixed Large Hydrocarbon Combustion in MILD Combustion,” 10th US Combustion Meeting, College Park, MD (2017).
  9. M. Zaiger, D. Blunck, K. Niemeyer, “Simulating Interactions of Detonation, Ionization Chemistry, and Magnetohydrodynamics,” 10th US Combustion Meeting, College Park, MD (2017).
  10. E. Zeuthen, C. Woodside, H. Kim, E. Huckaby, D. Blunck, “Heat Transfer Evaluation of a HVOF Combustor Under Several Operating Parameters with Interest in Plasma Production for Future MHD Channel Analysis,” 10th US Combustion Meeting, College Park, MD (2017).
  1. A. Fillo, D. Blunck, “Effects of Fuel Chemistry and Turbulence Intensity on Turbulent Consumption Speed for Large Hydrocarbon Fuels,” Western States Section Meeting of the Combustion Institute, Provo, UT (2015).
  2. J. Bonebrake, A. Fillo, D. Blunck, “Effect of Turbulent Fluctuations on Radiation Emissions from a Premixed Flame,” Western States Section Meeting of the Combustion Institute, Provo, UT (2015).
  3. E. Zeuthen, D. Blunck, “Radiation emissions from Turbulent Diffusion Flames Burning Large Hydrocarbon Fuels,” Western States Section Meeting of the Combustion Institute, Provo, UT (2015).
  4. S. Okhavat, D. Blunck, “Cross-flow Influences on Spark Kernel Temperature Evolution,” Western States Section Meeting of the Combustion Institute, Provo, UT (2015).
  5. E. Zeuthen, D. Blunck, “Radiation Characteristics of Turbulent Diffusion Flames Burning Alternative Aviation Fuels,” 9th US Combustion Meeting, Cincinnati, OH (2015).
  6. D. Blunck, T. Ombrello, “Mid-infrared Radiation Imaging of Ignition and Combustion in Supersonic Flow,” 9th US Combustion Meeting, Cincinnati, OH (2015).
  7. D. Blunck, S. Zeppiere, J. Gross, S. Stouffer, M. Colket, “Hydrocarbon Emissions from a Well-Stirred Reactor near Lean Blow-off,” AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition 2015, Kissimmee, FL (2015).
  8. S. Okhovat, D. Blunck, “The Effect of Fluid Mechanics on the Temperature Evolution of Spark Kernels,” AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition 2015, Kissimmee, FL (2015).
  1. T. Erdmann, D. Burrus, J. Gross, D. Blunck, A. Briones, B. Sekar, A. Caswell, C. Neuroth, A. Lynch, D. Shouse, “Experimental Characterization of the Reaction Zone in an Ultra-Compact Combustor,” AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum, Cleveland, OH (2014).
  2. V. Katta, D. Blunck, “Numerical Studies on Flames Established in Reacting Film-Cooling Experiment,” Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2014: Turbine Technical Conference & Exposition, Dusseldorf, Germany (2014).
  3. C. Heye, V. Raman, D. Blunck, “Flame Stability Analysis in an Ultra-Compact Combustor using a Probability Density Function Approach for Large-Eddy Simulation of Spray Combustion,” AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition 2014, National Harbor, MD (2014).
  4. D. Richardson, N. Jiang, A. Caswell, S. Roy, D. Blunck, A. Lynch, J. Gord, “Characterization of Inverse Diffusion Flames in High Temperature Cross-flow,” AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition 2014, National Harbor, MD (2014).
  5. D. Richardson, A. Brinker, M. Polanka, A. Lynch, D. Blunck, “Liquid Spray Characterization in Flow Field with Centripetal Acceleration,” AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition 2014, National Harbor, MD (2014).
  1. D. Richardson, A. Briones, D. Blunck, “Mass Transport within Cavity Stabilized Flows,” 8th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, Park City, UT (2013).
  2. M. Rhoby, K. Gross, D. Blunck, “Imaging Fourier-Transform Spectrometry for Two-Dimensional Scalar Value Measurements in Laminar Flames,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute – Canadian Section, (2013).
  3. D. Blunck, D. Shouse, C. Neuroth, R. Battelle, A. Lynch, B. Sekar, J. Zelina, T. Erdmann, D. Burrus, R. Howard, A. Briones, D. Richardson, A. Caswell, “Experimental and Computational Studies of an Ultra-Compact Combustor,” Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2013: Turbine Technical Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, TX (2013).
  4. V. Katta, D. Blunck, W. Roquemore, “Effect of Centrifugal Forces on Flame Stability in an Ultra Compact Combustor,” 2013 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Dallas, TX (2013).
  5. J. Martinez, C., Heye, V. Raman, D. Blunck, “Large eddy Simulation Analysis of a Flow Field Inside a High-g Combustor,” 2013 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Dallas, TX (2013).
  6. T. Erdmann, D. Blunck, A. Briones, D. Shouse, “Rayleigh Pressure Loss Analysis and Mitigation in Ultra-Compact Combustors,” 2013 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Dallas, TX (2013).
  1. J. Cain, D. Blunck, E. Corporan, M. DeWitt, R. Striebich, D. Anneken, C. Klingshirn, W. Roquemore, “Characterization of Gaseous and Particulate Emissions from a Turboshaft Engine Burning Conventional, Alternative and Surrogate Fuels,” 2012 National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Philadelphia, PA, (2012).
  2. M. DeLallo, M. Polanka, D. Blunck, “Impact of Trench and Ramp Film Cooling Designs to Reduce Heat Release Effects in a Reacting Flow,” Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark, (2012).
  3. B. Bohan, M. Polanka, D. Blunck, S. Kostka, N. Jiang, S. Roy, S. Stouffer, “Impact of an Upstream Film-cooling Row on Mitigation of Secondary Combustion in a High Fuel-Air Environment,” Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark, (2012).
  4. D. Blunck, J. Cain, R. Striebich, S. Vijlee, S. Stouffer, W. Roquemore, “Fuel-rich Combustion Products from a Well-Stirred Reactor Operated using Traditional and Alternative Fuels,” 2012 Central States Combustion Meeting, Dayton, OH (2012).
  5. M. Rhoby, K. Gross, D. Blunck, “Application of an Imaging Fourier-Transform Spectrometer to Determine Two-Dimensional Scalar Values in Laminar Flames,” 2012 Central States Combustion Meeting, Dayton, OH (2012).
  6. B. Rankin, D. Blunck, J. Monfort, B. Kiel, J. Gore, “Infrared Radiation and Acoustic Characteristics of Combustion Instabilities in Turbulent Premixed Flames,” 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Nashville, TN (2012). 
  7. A., O’Neil, S. Stouffer, S. Kostka, S. Roy, A. Lynch, D. Blunck, J. Gord, M. Polanka, “Chemiluminescence and High Speed Imaging of Reacting Film Cooling Layers,” 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Nashville, TN (2012). 
  1. S. Kostka, D. Blunck, N. Jiang, A. Lynch, M. Polanka, S. Stouffer, J. Gord, S. Roy, “Temperature of Inverse Diffusion Flames in Vitiated Cross-Flow using Two-Color PLIF Thermometry,” Fall Technical Meeting of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute, Storrs, CT (2011).
  2. D. Blunck, S. Kostka, A. Lynch, M. Polanka, S. Stouffer, S. Roy, J. Zelina, J. Gord, “Flame Structure of Vitiated Fuel-Rich Inverse Diffusion Flames in a Cross-flow,” 7th US National Combustion Meeting, Atlanta, GA (2011).
  3. B. Rankin, D. Blunck, J. Gore, “Infrared Imaging of a Turbulent Premixed Jet Flame and Plume,” 7th US National Combustion Meeting, Atlanta, GA (2011).
  4. D. Blunck, B. Kiel, “Trajectory, Development, and Temperature of Spark Kernels Exiting into Quiescent Air” 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL (2011).
  5. I. Sircar, R. Geji, A. Sane, D. Blunck, J. Gore, “Design and Construction of an Optically-Accessible Coal Gasifier for CO2 Reduction using Excess H249th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL (2011).
  6. B. Rankin, D. Blunck, V. Katta, S. Stouffer, J. Gore, “Infrared Imaging, Computations, and Tomography of Bluff Body Stabilized Laminar Diffusion Flames” 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL (2011).
  1. D. Blunck, M. Harvazinski, J. Gore, C. Merkle, “The Effect of Turbulent Fluctuations on the Radiation Intensity Emitted from the Core Region of Exhaust Plumes,” 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL (2010).
  1. B. Rankin, D. Blunck, Y. Zheng, J. Gore, “Planar Inverse Deconvolution Estimation of Scalar Values in an Unsteady Laminar Hydrogen Flame,” 6th U.S. Combustion Meeting, Ann Arbor, MI (2009).
  2. D. Blunck, J. Gore, “Radiating Characteristics of High Temperature Exhaust Plumes from a Subsonic Axisymmetric Nozzle,” 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL (2009).
  1. D. Blunck, S. Basu, Y. Zheng, V. Katta, J. Gore, “Simultaneous Water Vapor and Temperature Measurements in Unsteady Hydrogen Flames,” 32nd International Symposium on Combustion, Montreal, Canada (2008).
  2. D. Blunck, S. Basu, Y. Zheng, J. Gore, “Simultaneous Water Vapor and Temperature Measurements in Unsteady Hydrogen Flames,” Central States Combustion Meeting, Tuscaloosa, AL, (2008).
  1. D. Blunck, Y. Zheng, J. Gore, “Radiating Structures in Nonluminous Unsteady and Laminar and Turbulent Jet Flames,” 5th U.S. Combustion Meeting, San Diego, CA, (2007).