Welcome to the Propulsion Laboratory

852 SW 30th Street, Corvallis, OR, 97331

Research Vision

The Propulsion Laboratory is a unique environment where both undergraduate and graduate students lead and conduct propulsion-related research and development. Moreover, the laboratory has capabilities that are unique to the Pacific Northwest because of the remote test capabilities. This allows students to remotely control and monitor experiments (e.g., detonations, rocket motor evaluation) that are too dangerous to be performed in the same room. Moreover, the laboratory has an extensive air supply, a large exhaust system, and access to specialized equipment such as high-speed and infrared cameras.

The environment is unique because undergraduate students conduct their own propulsion related research projects independently (in contrast to working on a graduate student led project). Such projects include mixing rocket propellants, testing modified gas turbine engines, and evaluating rocket motors. Graduate students provide mentoring to the undergraduate students and conduct their own research. An estimated 36 undergraduate students were impacted in the 2016 and 2017 academic year by the ability to conduct research at the Propulsion Laboratory. Much of the propulsion related testing for the nationally recognized OSU Rocket Team is performed at the Propulsion Laboratory.

Oregon State University's branch of the American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics (AIAA)


To advance the aeronautic and astronautic community at Oregon State University through a continuously improving student organization that produces alumni with strong engineering science fundamentals and experiential knowledge.


Our organization strives to create a positive learning environment where students of all levels of experience can contribute in a meaningful way; to contribute positively to the Oregon State University community and the greater public community; and to build real-world skills for future aerospace careers.

AIAA Website

Aerospace Propulsion Outreach Program

OSU and the Air Force:

Partnering in New Developments

We are OSU's Aerospace Propulsion Outreach Program team, a collaboration between our university and the United States Air Force Research Laboratory.

APOP Website


High Altitude Liquid Engine (HALE)

We are the High Altitude Liquid Engine (HALE) team, developers of the first collegiate liquid rocket engine in the state of Oregon. As a part of the Base 11 Space Challenge, HALE’s ultimate goal is to reach the Karman line (100km ASL) with a single stage liquid bi-propellant engine.

HALE Website

Industry Partners

The group is always seeking to establish new industry partnerships. Partners can provide feedback about topics of interest, sponsor research or senior design projects, and provide avenues for us to share our research and design results. Those interested in exploring potential partnerships are invited to contact
David Blunck (David.Blunck@oregonstate.edu) .   

Interested Students

Students interested in performing research are invited to contact Dr. Blunck (David.Blunck@oregonstate.edu) to discuss volunteer or employed positions. Students interested in becoming involved with the undergraduate projects are encouraged to become involved with the local OSU AIAA organization

Funding and donations for research and projects at the Propulsion Laboratory is gratefully acknowledged from the following organizations: