Welcome to Zhenxing Feng's Group at Oregon State University


Recent News

07/15/2024, OSU successfully hosted a group of high-shool students from under-representative minorities for one-week experiments and life at OSU. We were have Lita and Johnny joining our group for green hydrogen and electrochemical projects. 

07/06/2024welcome, Prof. Wei-Chi Lai from Tamkang University in Taiwan visited us for collaboration!

For complete list of news, please visit here.


Open Positions

We are looking for self-motivated graduate students and undergraduates for doing research in electrochemical energy storage and conversion. For undergraduates, preference will be given to students from the Honors College interested in thesis research and to students who intend to stay long-time for solid work. Besides students with physical/chemical background, we are also interested in undergraduate students who have SolidWorks 3D design experience.

– If you are already admitted to OSU, please contact zhenxing.feng@oregonstate.edu to set up an appointment.

– If you are in the process of applying to OSU, we will be happy to chat with you regarding our research interests, however, all admission decisions are made by the CBEE admission committee.