(on leave)
Education |
Dr. Bechir Hamdaoui is a Professor in the School of EECS at Oregon State University. His research interests are in the broad areas of intelligent networked systems, wireless & network security, and wireless networks. His current focus includes machine learning for wireless networking systems, cloud computing, network & data analytics, spectrum management, 6G and beyond wireless networks, and autonomous systems. Dr. Hamdaoui (and his team) received several awards, including the ISSIP Distinguished Recognition Award (2020), the ICC Best Paper Award (2017), the IWCMC Best Paper Award (2017), the EECS Outstanding Research Award (2016), and the NSF CAREER Award (2009). He serves/served on the Editorial Boards of several journals, including IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE Network, IEEE Transactions of Wireless Communications, and IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. He chaired/co-chaired many IEEE conference programs/symposia, including the 2017 INFOCOM Demo/Posters program, the 2016 IEEE GLOBECOM Mobile & Wirless Networks symposium, and the 2011 ACM MOBICOM's SRC program. Dr. Hamdaoui currently serves as the Chair of IEEE ComSoc's Wireless Technical Committee (WTC). He also served as a Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE Communication Society during 2016 and 2017. Dr. Hamdaoui is a senior member of IEEE. He is also a member of IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Communications Society, and IEEE Vehicular Technology Society.
Jun Chen
Nora Basha
Research Topic: Physical-layer security through wireless channel properties |
Haytham Albousayri
Research Topic: Bluetooth network access authentication |
Gokul Kesavamurthy
Research Topic: 5G wireless resource optimization |
Shubhangi Pandey
Research Topic: Resource optimization & allocation of cloud distributed systems. |
Garret Biwer |
Research Interest: Machine Learning for wireless & network security |
Lucas Dunn |
Research Interest: Machine Learning for wireless security |