Principal Investigator

Sandhya Saisubramanian
Sandhya Saisubramanian

Sandhya Saisubramanian is an Assistant Professor in EECS at Oregon State University. She leads the IRAS research group and is affiliated with OSU’s robotics institute CoRIS. She obtained her PhD from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Dr. Saisubramanian is a recipient of the ICAPS 2022 Outstanding Program Committee Member Award and a Distinguished Paper Award at IJCAI 2020. 



Office: 3005 Kelley Engineering Center

Contact: sandhya.sai at


Current Graduate Students

Yashwanthi Anand
Yashwanthi Anand

Ph.D. in CS

Pulkit Rustagi
Pulkit Rustagi

Ph.D. in ROB

Jeffrey Jewett
Jeffrey Jewett

Ph.D. in CS

William Solow
William Solow

Ph.D. in AI



  • Malhar Milind Damle (Honor’s thesis: Safe Navigation in Highway Environment Using Behavioral Cloning; next step: CapitalOne)
  • Kunal Chopra
  • Avi Desai (next step: MS in AI at UT Austin)