April Monthly Update...

NWSS Article. The CDC has recently (May 2024 is the official publication date) published an article (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969724017078) describing the National Wastewater Surveillance System (NWSS), which funds OHA to perform Oregon’s wastewater surveillance efforts. As indicated by the figure, the article describes NWSS, its inception, coverage, and plans for expansion.

A diagram of a disease control</p>
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RSV and influenza. While we measure SARS-CoV-2 viral concentrations (the virus that causes COVID) from influent samples year-round, we only measure influenza and RSV during their peak periods - typically October through April. However, as influenza is still circulating in Oregon, we will continue to measure influenza virus for another month.

 Flow reporting. Thank you to utilities! Flow reporting has been great, with most utilities providing a chain of custody form, which includes the average daily flow rate, or emails us the flow rates.

Several pieces of paper with writing on it</p>
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Supply Inventory Complete. Thank you for responding to the sampling supplies email. In addition to adjusting your next supply shipment date, we are sending 10 weeks of supplies every 9 weeks instead of 8 weeks. We hope that this will alleviate stock-piles in your lab. Feel free to email any time if you would like another adjustment.

OSU Clean Water Showcase May 22, 2024.  You are invited to attend OSU’s 2024 Clean Water Showcase taking place at LaSells Stewart Center on the OSU Corvallis campus from 9 am to 5 pm on May 22nd.  Members of our Wastewater Surveillance team will be presenting posters. The event is free and there are in-person and virtual options.

Across the globe, access to clean water is threatened by population growth, climate change, industrial and agricultural pollution, and other pressures. Join us at the 2024 Clean Water Showcase hosted by Oregon State University to learn more about innovative and leading work to protect this precious resource through talks by keynote speakers, faculty and student presentations, and professional development activities.

To register: https://engineering.oregonstate.edu/research/water/showcase

WEF and NWSS California Center of Excellence are hosting a Wastewater Surveillance workshop June 5, 2024 – Travel funds available.  WEF has invited Oregon Utilities to attend a free one-day wastewater surveillance workshop run by WEF and the California CoE on June 5, 2024 at Standford University. The topics are wastewater surveillance sustainability and practical stakeholder communication tools. Some members of our wastewater surveillance team will be attending. To register or inquire about travel funds, see the attached flyer.