The OSU Wastewater Surveillance Laboratory is a cutting-edge facility dedicated to the monitoring of pathogens in wastewater. 


Our Focus in Oregon:

  • Quantification of pathogens in wastewater from over 40 communities
  • Sequencing of those communities' SARS-CoV-2 variants
  • Establishing collaborations with utilities in every Oregon county 
  • Communicating surveillance results to utilities and health departments

​​​Our Focus Nationally:

  • Collaboration with the CDC
  • Networking with other state wastewater surveillance labs


Viral Pathogens Surveilled

Partnerships Timeline

Our History:

Our laboratory was established in the spring of 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, thanks to a grant from the National Science Foundation in collaboration with Clean Water Services. From it's inception, our lab has fostered close and productive relationships with key organizations and institutions in the state of Oregon. We have collaborated extensively with OSU TRACE, a research initiative at Oregon State University, to assess the prevalence of COVID-19 in communities at a time when widespread testing was not readily available. As part of our mission, the OSU Wastewater Surveillance Laboratory was engaged by the OSU administration to map infections on the Corvallis campus, as well as the Cascade and Hatfield campuses. To achieve this, we sampled wastewater from multiple sewer access points twice a week, providing critical data on the presence and spread of COVID-19 within the university community. In September 2020, we established a long-term and vital partnership with the Oregon Health Authority (OHA). Building on our success on COVID-19 surveillance, we have expanded our focus to investigate other pathogens that affect the health and well-being of Oregonians. This expansion reflects our commitment to public health and our dedication to staying at the forefront of pathogen detection in wastewater. 

Our collaboration with the OHA has led to the establishment of a state-wide public health wastewater surveillance program. This program relies on volunteer samples provided by over 40 wastewater treatment utilities across Oregon. By leveraging the collective effort and expertise of these utilities, we can monitor and detect various pathogens, enhancing our understanding of public health trends and enabling timely interventions. The OSU Wastewater Surveillance Laboratory is at the forefront of pathogen detection and monitoring in wastewater. We are proud of our contributions to public health, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, and our continued efforts to expand our capabilities beyond SARS-CoV-2. Through our partnerships and collaborations, we strive to provide invaluable data and insight that will help protect and improve the health of communities in Oregon and beyond.