Found 13 results
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Lee W..  2013.  About Good Work. School of Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering. Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial Engineering:171.
Perlin R.  2013.  Chinese Workers Foxconned. Dissent. 60(2)
Pil K.F, Fujimoto T..  2007.  Lean and reflective production: the dynamic nature of production models. International Journal of Production Research. 45(16)
Semler R.  2007.  Out of this World: Doing things the Semco way. Global Business and Organizational Excellence. 26(5)
Vanderburg D..  2004.  The Story of Semco: The Company that Humanized Work. Bulletin of Science, Technology & Science. 24(5)
Shaiken H., Lopez S., .Mankita I.  1997.  Two Routes to Team Production: Saturn and Chrysler Compared. Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society. 36(1)
Semler R.  1989.  Managing Without Managers. Harvard Business Review. 67(5)
Ketchum L..  1984.  How Redesigned Plants Really Work. National Productivity Review. 3(3)