Autonomous Multiagent Space Exploration with High Level Human Feedback. M. Colby, L. Yliniemi, and K. Tumer. Journal of Aerospace Information Systems, 2016. (to appear) Abstract-Bibtex
Combining Reward Shaping and Hierarchies for Scaling to Large Multiagent Systems. C. HolmesParker, A. Agogino, and K. Tumer. Knowledge Engineering Review, ():, 2016. to appear Abstract-Bibtex
Multi-Objective Multiagent Credit Assignment in Reinforcement Learning and NSGA-II. L. Yliniemi and K. Tumer. Soft Computing, 2016. (to appear) Abstract-Bibtex
Learning Tensegrity Locomotion Using Open-Loop Control Signals and Coevolutionary Algorithms. Iscen, A., Caluwaerts, K., Bruce, J., Agogino, A., SunSpiral, V., and Tumer, K.. Artificial life, 21(2):119–140, MIT Press, 2015. Abstract-Bibtex
Fitness Function Shaping in Multiagent Cooperative Coevolutionary Algorithms. M. Colby and K. Tumer. Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 2015. DOI: 10.1007/s10458-015-9318-0 Abstract-Bibtex
Robust Predictive Cruise Control for Commercial Vehicles. J. Junell and K. Tumer.International Journal of General Systems, 42:776–792, Taylor Francis, 2013. Abstract-Bibtex[pdf] (414.8kB )
Dynamic Partnership Formation for Multi-Rover Coordination. M. Knudson and K. Tumer. Advances in Complex Systems, 16(1), 2013. Abstract-Bibtex[pdf] (2.4MB )
Efficient Objective Functions for Coordinated Learning in Large-Scale Distributed OSA Systems. M. J. Norooz Oliaee, B. Hamdaoui, and K. Tumer. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 12:931–944, 2013. Abstract-Bibtex[pdf] (442.5kB )
Coordinating actions in congestion problems: Impact of top-down and bottom-up Utilities. S. Proper and K. Tumer. Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems, 27(3):419–443, 2013. Abstract-Bibtex[pdf] (359.5kB )
A Neuro-evolutionary Approach to Control Surface Segmentation for Micro Aerial Vehicles. M. Salichon and K. Tumer. International Journal of General Systems, 42:793–805, Taylor Francis, 2013. Abstract-Bibtex[pdf] (531.9kB )
A Multiagent Approach to Managing Air Traffic Flow. A. K. Agogino and K. Tumer.Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems, 24:1–25, 2012. Abstract-Bibtex[pdf] (517.5kB )
Combining Coordination Mechanisms to improve the Performance of Multi-Robot Teams. E. Nasroullahi and K. Tumer. Artificial Intelligence Research, 1(2):1–10, 2012.Abstract-Bibtex[pdf] (325.0kB )
Coordinating Secondary-User Behaviors for Inelastic Traffic Reward Maximization in Large-Scale DSA Networks. M. J. Norooz Oliaee, B. Hamdaoui, and K. Tumer. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 9(4):501–513, 2012. Abstract-Bibtex[pdf] (306.0kB )
A Learning Based Approach to Robust Micro Aerial Vehicle Control. M. Salichon and K. Tumer. IEEE Transactions on System, Man and Cybernetics--Part C, 42:1772–1783, 2012.Abstract-Bibtex[pdf] (905.3kB )
Adaptive Navigation for Autonomous Robots. M. Knudson and K. Tumer. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 59:410–420, 2011. Abstract-Bibtex[pdf] (515.8kB )
A Multiagent Coordination Approach to Robust Consensus Clustering. A. K. Agogino and K. Tumer. Advances in Complex Systems, 13(2):165–198, 2010. Abstract-Bibtex
Learning Indirect Actions in Complex Domains: Action Suggestions for Air Traffic Control. A. K. Agogino and K. Tumer. Advances in Complex Systems, 12(4-5):493–512, 2009. Abstract-Bibtex[pdf] (1003.1kB )
Learning from Actions Not Taken in Multiagent Systems. K. Tumer and N. Khani.Advances in Complex Systems, 12(4-5):455–473, 2009. Abstract-Bibtex[pdf] (351.7kB )
Multiagent Learning for Black Box System Reward Functions. K. Tumer and A. K. Agogino. Advances in Complex Systems, 12(4-5):475–492, 2009. Abstract-Bibtex[pdf] (350.7kB )
Ensemble Clustering with Voting Active Labels. A. K. Agogino and K. Tumer. Pattern Recognition Letters, 29(14):1947–1953, 2008. Abstract-Bibtex
Analyzing and Visualizing Multiagent Rewards in Dynamic and Stochastic Environments. A. K. Agogino and K. Tumer. Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 17(2):320–338, 2008. Abstract-Bibtex[pdf] (666.9kB )
Efficient Evaluation Functions for Evolving Coordination. A. K. Agogino and K. Tumer.Evolutionary Computation, 16(2):257–288, 2008. Abstract-Bibtex[pdf] (825.8kB )
Testing a Purportedly More Learnable Auction Mechanism. K. L. Milkman, J. Burns, D. C. Parkes, G. Barron, and K. Tumer. Applied Economics Research Bulletin, Special Issue (Auctions), 1:107–140, 2008. Abstract-Bibtex
Applications of Ensemble Methods (Guest Editorial). N. C. Oza and K. Tumer.Information Fusion, 9(1):2–3, 2008. Abstract-Bibtex
Classifier Ensembles: Select Real World Applications. N. C. Oza and K. Tumer.Information Fusion, 9(1):4–20, 2008. Abstract-Bibtex
Handling Communication Restrictions and Team Formation in Congestion Games. A. K. Agogino and K. Tumer. Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 13(1):97–115, 2006. Abstract-Bibtex[pdf] (349.8kB )
Improving Search Algorithms by Using Intelligent Coordinates. D. H. Wolpert, K. Tumer, and E. Bandari. Physical Review E, 69, 2004. Abstract-Bibtex[pdf] (107.0kB )
Bayes Error Rate Estimation using Classifier Ensembles. K. Tumer and J. Ghosh.International Journal of Smart Engineering System Design, 5(2):95–110, 2003. Abstract-Bibtex[pdf] (464.1kB )
Input Decimated Ensembles. K. Tumer and N. C. Oza. Pattern Analysis and Applications, 6(1):65–77, 2003. Abstract-Bibtex[pdf] (321.5kB )
Robust Combining of Disparate Classifiers through Order Statistics. K. Tumer and J. Ghosh. Pattern Analysis and Applications, 5(2):189–200, 2002. Abstract-Bibtex[pdf] (324.6kB )
Collective Intelligence, Data Routing and Braess' Paradox. D. H. Wolpert and K. Tumer.Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 16:359–387, 2002. Abstract-Bibtex[pdf] (226.9kB )
Optimal Payoff Functions for Members of Collectives. D. H. Wolpert and K. Tumer.Advances in Complex Systems, 4(2/3):265–279, 2001. Abstract-Bibtex[pdf] (276.5kB )
Collective Intelligence for Optimization. D. H. Wolpert and K. Tumer. Pages 48-50 of collective article: ``Statistical Machine Learning for Large Scale Optimization'', J. Boyan, W. Buntine, and A. Jagota (Eds.), Neural Computing Surveys, 3:1–60, 2000. Abstract-Bibtex
Collective Intelligence for Control of Distributed Dynamical Systems. D. H. Wolpert, K. Wheeler, and K. Tumer. Europhysics Letters, 49(6), March 2000. Abstract-Bibtex
Ensembles of Radial Basis Function Networks for Spectroscopic Detection of Cervical Pre-Cancer. K. Tumer, N. Ramanujam, J. Ghosh, and R. Richards-Kortum. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 45(8):953–961, 1998. Abstract-Bibtex[pdf] (111.9kB )
Analysis of Decision Boundaries in Linearly Combined Neural Classifiers. K. Tumer and J. Ghosh. Pattern Recognition, 29(2):341–348, 1996. Abstract-Bibtex[pdf] (156.2kB )
Error Correlation and Error Reduction in Ensemble Classifiers. K. Tumer and J. Ghosh.Connection Science, 8(3/4):385–404, 1996. Abstract-Bibtex[pdf] (211.2kB )
Designing Genetic Algorithms for the State Assignment Problem. J. N. Amaral, K. Tumer, and J. Ghosh. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 25(4):687–695, April 1995. Abstract-Bibtex[pdf] (116.0kB )
Structural Adaptation and Generalization in Supervised Feedforward Networks. J. Ghosh and K. Tumer. Journal of Artificial Neural Networks, 1(4):431–458, 1994. Abstract-Bibtex[pdf] (7.2MB )