Agent Partitioning with Reward/Utility-Based Impact. W. Curran, A. Agogino, and K. Tumer. In AAAI-2015 Workshop on Multiagent Interaction without Prior Coordination, Austin, TX, January 2015. Abstract-Bibtex
Promoting cooperative behavior between cost-based planners. Rebhuhn, C., Skeele, R., Chung, J. J., Hollinger, G. A., and Tumer, K.. In Proceedings of the 2015 ICRA Workshop on Taxonomies of Interconnected Systems: Asymmetric Interactions in Distributed Robotics, 2015. Abstract-Bibtex
Learning-Based Coordination of Large Heterogeneous Distributed Sensor Networks. M. Colby and K. Tumer. In In Proceedings of the 2015 International Society of Automation Power Industry Division Symposium, Kansas City, June 2015. Abstract-Bibtex
Shortest path exploration with fast marching. Lawrance, N. R. J., Chung, J. J., Hollinger, G. A., and Tumer, K.. In Proceedings of the ICRA 2015 Workshop Beyond Geometric Constraints: Planning for Solving Complex Tasks, Reducing Uncertainty, and Generating Informative Paths \& Policies, 2015. Abstract-Bibtex
Risk aware graph search with uncertain edge costs. Skeele, R., Chung, J. J., Hollinger, G. A., and Tumer, K.. In Proceedings of the ICRA 2015 Workshop Beyond Geometric Constraints: Planning for Solving Complex Tasks, Reducing Uncertainty, and Generating Informative Paths \& Policies, 2015. Abstract-Bibtex
Multiagent Flight Control in Dynamic Environments with Cooperative Coevolutionary Algorithms. M. Colby, M. Knudson, and K. Tumer. In 2014 AAAI Spring Symposium on Modeling in Human Machine Systems: Challenges for Formal Verification, Palo Alto, CA, 2014. Abstract-Bibtex
Distributed Sensor Network Control with Evolutionary Algorithms. M. Colby and K. Tumer. In In Proceedings of the 2014 International Society of Automation Power Industry Division Symposium, Scottsdale, Arizona, 2014. Abstract-Bibtex
Exploiting Structure and Agent-Centric Rewards to Promote Coordination in Large Multiagent Systems. C. HolmesParker, M. Taylor, Y. Zhan, and K. Tumer. In AAMAS-2014 Workshop on Adaptive and Learning Agents, Paris, France, May 2014. Abstract-Bibtex
Announced Strategy Types for Multiagent RL for Conflict-Avoidance in the National Airspace. C. Rebhuhn, M. Knudson, and K. Tumer. In AAMAS-2014 Workshop on Adaptive and Learning Agents, Paris, France, May 2014. Abstract-Bibtex[pdf] (277.7kB )
Coordination and Control for Large Distributed Sensor Networks. M. Colby, C. Holmes Parker, and K. Tumer. In Future of Instrumentation International Workshop (FIIW-2012), Gatlinburg, TN, October 2012. Abstract-Bibtex
Performance and Fiscal Analysis of Distributed Sensor Networks in a Power Plant. M. Colby and K. Tumer. In AAMAS-2012 Workshop on Agent Technologies for Energy Systems, Valencia, Spain, June 2012. Abstract-Bibtex[pdf] (295.9kB )
Multiagent Learning of Choices via Simpler MDPs and Reward Shaping. A. Iscen and K. Tumer. In AAMAS-2012 Workshop on Adaptive and Learning Agents, Valencia, Spain, June 2012. Abstract-Bibtex
Combining Difference Rewards and Hierarchies for Scaling to Large Multiagent System. C. Holmes Parker and K. Tumer. In AAMAS-2012 Workshop on Adaptive and Learning Agents, Valencia, Spain, June 2012. Abstract-Bibtex
Graphical Models in Continuous Domains for Multiagent Reinforcement Learning. S. Proper and K. Tumer. In AAMAS-2012 Workshop on Adaptive and Learning Agents, Valencia, Spain, June 2012. Abstract-Bibtex
A Multiagent Framework for Component-Level Creativity Evaluation. C. Rebhuhn, B. Gilchrist, S. Oman, I. Tumer, R. Stone, and K. Tumer. In AAMAS-2012 Workshop on Multi-Agent Based Simulation, Valencia, Spain, June 2012. Abstract-Bibtex
Fast Multiagent Learning from Actions Not Taken for Heterogeneous Agent. C. Rebhuhn and K. Tumer. In AAMAS-2012 Workshop on Adaptive and Learning Agents, Valencia, Spain, June 2012. Abstract-Bibtex
Neuroevolutionary Control of a Multi-linked Inverted Pendulum with a Large Number of Agents. S. Sills and K. Tumer. In AAMAS-2012 Workshop on Autonomous Robots and Multirobot Systems, Valencia, Spain, June 2012. Abstract-Bibtex
Coevolution and Transfer Learning in a Heterogeneous, Point-to-Point Fleet Coordination Problem. L. Yliniemi and K. Tumer. In AAMAS-2012 Workshop on Agents in Traffic and Transportation, Valencia, Spain, June 2012. Abstract-Bibtex
Extending the Difference Reward to Multi-Objective Congestion Problems. L. Yliniemi and K. Tumer. In AAMAS-2012 Workshop on Optimisation in Multi-Agent Systems, Valencia, Spain, June 2012. Abstract-Bibtex
Decreasing Communication Requirements for Agent Specific Rewards in Multiagent Learning. A. Iscen, C. Holmes Parker, and K. Tumer. In AAMAS-2011 Workshop on Adaptive and Learning Agents, Taipei, Taiwan, May 2011. Abstract-Bibtex[pdf] (399.0kB )
Policy Search and Policy Gradient Methods for Autonomous Navigation. M. Knudson and K. Tumer. In AAMAS-2010 Workshop on Adaptive and Learning Agents, Toronto, Canada, May 2010. Abstract-Bibtex
Multiagent Coordination for Multiple Resource Job Scheduling. K. Tumer and J. Lawson. In AAMAS-08 Workshop on Adaptive and Learning Agents, May 2009. Abstract-Bibtex
A Multiagent Approach to Hyper-Redundant Manipulators. D. Hennes, K. Tumer, and K. Tuyls. In AAMAS-08 Workshop on Adaptive and Learning Agents, Estoril, Portugal, May 2008. Abstract-Bibtex
Effective Policies for Resource Limited Agents. M. Knudson and K. Tumer. In AAMAS-07 Workshop on Adaptive and Learning Agents, Honolulu, HI, May 2007. Abstract-Bibtex
Learning agents for distributed and robust spacecraft power management. S. Airiau, K. Tumer, and A. Agogino. In AAMAS-06 Workshop on Adaptation and Learning in Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems, Hakodate, Japan, May 2006. Abstract-Bibtex
Agent Reward Shaping for Alleviating Traffic Congestion. K. Tumer and A. Agogino. InAAMAS-06 Workshop on Agents in Traffic and Transportation, Hakodate, Japan, May 2006.Abstract-Bibtex
Reinforcement Learning in Large Multi-agent Systems. A. Agogino and K. Tumer. InAAMAS-05 Workshop on Coordination of Large Scale Multiagent Systems, Utrecht, Netherlands, July 2005. Abstract-Bibtex[pdf] (186.4kB )
Efficient Reward Functions for Adaptive Multi-Rover Systems. K. Tumer and A. Agogino. In AAMAS-05 Workshop on Learning and Adaptation in Multiagent Systems, Utrecht, Netherlands, July 2005. Abstract-Bibtex[pdf] (304.8kB )
Coordination in large Multiagent Systems. K. Tumer. In AAMAS-04 Workshop on Challenges in the Coordination of Large Scale Multiagent Systems, New York, NY, July 2004. Abstract-Bibtex
Coordination in Large Collectives. K. Tumer and D. Wolpert. In Y. Bar-Yam, editors, Fifth International Conference on Complex Systems, Perseus Books, 2004. Abstract-Bibtex
Providing Effective Access to Shared Resources: A COIN Approach. S. Airau, S. Sen, D. Wolpert, and K. Tumer. In AAMAS-03 Workshop on Engineering Self-Organizing Systems, Melbourne, Australia, July 2003. Abstract-Bibtex
Beyond Mechanism Design. D. H. Wolpert and K. Tumer. In ICM Game Theory Conference, ``Heterogeneous and Social Games'' Special Session, Qingdao, China, August 2002. Abstract-Bibtex
Overview of Design of Collectives. D. H. Wolpert and K. Tumer. In Robosphere 2002: Self Sustaining Robotic Ecologies, pp. 11–16, Moffett Field, CA., November 2002. Abstract-Bibtex
Reinforcement Learning in Distributed Domains: An Inverse game Theoretic Approach. D. H. Wolpert and K. Tumer. In 2001 AAAI Spring Symposium on Game Theoretic and Decision Theoretic Agents, Stanford, CA, March 2001. Abstract-Bibtex
Ensemble Techniques for Data Mining in Heterogeneous Environments. J. Ghosh and K. Tumer. In Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences Conferences, San Antonio, TX, November 2000. Abstract-Bibtex
Designing Reward Functions for Multiagent Systems: A Collective Intelligence Approach. K. Tumer and D. H. Wolpert. In ICML-2000 Workshop on Multiagent Learning: Theory and Practice, Stanford, CA, July 2000. Abstract-Bibtex
Illustration of the COIN Approach to the Design of Multiagent Systems. D. H. Wolpert and K. Tumer. In AGENTS-00/ECML-00 Workshop on Learning Agents, Barcelona, Spain, June 2000. Abstract-Bibtex
Strategic Behavior, Learning and the Efficient Allocation of Network Resources. A. M. Bell, W. Sethares, D. Lucking-Reiley, D. H. Wolpert, K. Tumer, and J. Frank. In International Congress on Networks, Groups and Coalitions, Manresa, Spain, May 1999. Abstract-Bibtex
Collective Intelligence. D. H. Wolpert and K. Tumer. In Fourth Workshop on Economics with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents, Genoa, Italy, June 1999. Abstract-Bibtex
Collective Intelligence for Optimization. D. H. Wolpert and K. Tumer. In IJCAI-99 Workshop on Statistical Machine Learning for Large Scale Optimization, Stockholm, Sweden, July 1999. Abstract-Bibtex
Collective Intelligence for Network Routing. D. Wolpert, K. Tumer, and A. M. Bell. InAAAI-99 Workshop, Orlando, FL, July 1999. Abstract-Bibtex
Classifier Combining: Analytical Results and Implications. K. Tumer and J. Ghosh. InIntegrating Multiple Learned Models for Improving and Scaling Machine Learning Algorithms, workshop at the Thirteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Portland, OR, August 1996. Abstract-Bibtex