Our Mission

The Blunck research group strives to be global technical leaders in the field of combustion who drive impactful change through collaboration, diligence, integrity, and excellence in research.  Our research focuses on advancing fundamental understanding of combustion processes and using that knowledge to help address societal issues such as wildfire mitigation and improving propulsion systems. Central to achieving the impact of our research are frequent with leaders from national laboratories and industry.  We strive to have a group environment where everyone is welcomed and supported in achieving their professional and personal goals. 


Our Research Laboratories

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The focus of the Combustion, Ignition, Radiation, and Energy (CIRE) Laboratory is using research to gain fundamental understanding to help address challenges related to controlling forest fires, increasing the efficiency of energy conversion systems, and improving propulsion devices. In short, the group strives to make sure that both the fundamental science and the application are addressed through research.

The Propulsion Laboratory is a unique environment where both undergraduate and graduate students lead and conduct propulsion related research and development. Moreover the laboratory has capabilities which are unique to the Pacific Northwest because of the remote test capabilities. This allows students to remotely control and monitor experiments (e.g., detonations, rocket motor evaluation) which are too dangerous to be performed in the same room. Moreover, the laboratory has an extensive air supply, large exhaust system, and access to specialized equipment such as high speed and infrared cameras.

Funding from the following organizations is gratefully acknowledged:

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), American Chemical Society (ACS), Office of Naval Research (ONR), National Energy and Technology Laboratory (NETL), Joint Fire Science Program (JFSP), Stragetic Enivronmental and Research Development Program (SERDP), VertueLab (Formally Oregon BEST), OSU Foundation, and National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST).