Multi-Robot Coordination for Space Exploration. L. Yliniemi, A. Agogino, and K. Tumer.AI Magazine, (), 2014. to appear Abstract-Bibtex[pdf] (1.1MB )
Introduction to the AI Magazine AAMAS 2011 Special Issue. L. Sonenberg, P. Stone, K. Tumer, and P. Yolum. AI Magazine, (), 2012. Abstract-Bibtex
Aligning Agent Objectives for Learning and Coordination in Multiagent Systems. K. Tumer and M. Knudson. PerAdA Magazine, IEEE, Computer Society, Oct 2010. (DOI: 10.2417/2201010.003362) Abstract-Bibtex[pdf] (309.0kB )
Improving Air Traffic Management with A Learning Multiagent System. K. Tumer and A. K. Agogino. Intelligent Systems, 24(1), IEEE, Computer Society, Jan/Feb 2009. Abstract-Bibtex[pdf] (709.4kB )