Disclaimer: These calculators are provided for educational purposes and without any guarantees.
Formation factor calculator
Given the electrical resistivities of concrete/mortar/paste and pore solution, calculate the formation factor.
Pore solution properties calculator
Given the ionic concentrations of the pore solution, calculate its activities, equivalent conductivities, ionic strength, conductivity, and resistivity.
ASTM C1556 parameters calculator (Langmuir)
Calculate ASTM C1556 parameters (i.e., apparent diffusion coefficient, surface chloride concentration, and bound chloride concentration, given the formation factor of concrete, and Langmuir isotherm properties.
ASTM C1556 parameters calculator (Freunlich)
Calculate ASTM C1556 parameters (i.e., apparent diffusion coefficient, surface chloride concentration, and bound chloride concentration, given the formation factor of concrete, and Freundlich isotherm properties.