Selected papers and presentations on the formation factor of concrete.
A nearly self-sufficient framework for modelling reactive-transport processes in concrete
O.B. Isgor and W.J. Weiss, Materials and Structures, 52(1), 2019.
Relating the formation factor and chloride binding parameters to the apparent chloride diffusion coefficient of concrete
V. Jafari Azad, A.R. Erbektas, C. Qiao, O.B. Isgor, W.J. Weiss, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 32(2):04018392, 2018.
Relating formation factor of concrete to water absorption
M.K. Moradllo, C. Qiao, O.B. Isgor, S. Reese, W.J. Weiss, ACI Materials Journal, 115(6), 2018
Formation factor of fresh cementitious pastes
H. Sallehi, P. Ghods, O.B. Isgor, Cement and Concrete Composites, 91: 174-188, 2018.
Prediction of chloride ingress in saturated concrete using formation factor and chloride binding isotherm
C. Qiao, A.T. Coyle, O.B. Isgor, W.J. Weiss, Advances in Civil Engineering Materials 7, no. 1 (0): 206-220, 2018.
Toward Performance Specifications for concrete: Linking resistivity, RCPT and diffusion predictions using the formation factor for use in specifications
W. J. Weiss, R.P. Spragg, O.B. Isgor, M.T. Ley, and T. Van Dam, Proceedings of the 2017 fib Symposium, Maastricht, The Netherlands, June 12-14, 2017.
Presentation: Performance evaluation and specification of fresh and hardened concrete using its electrical properties
O.B. Isgor and W.J. Weiss, UMN 67th Annual Concrete Conference, 2017.
Presentation: Examining how saturation and pore solution chemistry impact durability test methods, specifications, and service life models
W. J. Weiss and O.B. Isgor, Maastricht, The Netherlands, June 12-14, 2017.