The primary focus of the lab is to explore and provide comprehensive approaches to metals research projects, using alloy making, testing and characterization techniques. These approaches are founded on understandings of the complex structure-property-processing relationships, physical metallurgy and material science of metal alloys. We are pursuing research projects both with external customers and projects partners on a range of both ferrous and non-ferrous structural alloy systems, such as all common steel grades, heat-resistant alloys, corrosion-resistant alloys, and super alloys.
Customers include aerospace, metal manufacturing, national labs, and academia
Awarded multiple federal grants for large-scale electro-slag welding and strip-surfacing research, alloy development, etc.
Providing service to the metals community through knowledgeÂ
Emphasizing collaborative research at PSU, with partner universities, and the metals and manufacturing industry
Aiming to serve the research community through continuous growth in knowledge and scientifically significant contributions
We work towards addressing matters of sustainability and energy efficiency with our research