D. S. Hurwitz, Swake, J., Brown, S., Young, R., Heaslip, K., Bernhardt, K. L. Sanford, and Turochy, R. E.,
“Influence of Collaborative Curriculum Design on Educational Beliefs, Communities of Practitioners, and Classroom Practice in Transportation Engineering Education”,
Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, vol. 140, no. 3, p. 04013020, 2014.
D. Montfort, Brown, S., and Shinew, D.,
“The Personal Epistemologies of Civil Engineering Faculty”,
Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 103, no. 3, pp. 388 - 416, 2014.
B. M. Moskal and Brown, S.,
“Results of the JEE Readership Survey”,
Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 103, no. 4, pp. 517 - 524, 2014.
D. S. Hurwitz, Brown, S., Islam, M., Daratha, K., and Kyte, M.,
“Traffic Signal System Misconceptions Across Three Cohorts”,
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, vol. 2414, no. -1, pp. 52 - 62, 2014.