
Robots present a new concern for personal privacy: not only can a remote operator see through the robot's video cameras, but he or she can also drive the robot, potentially so as to view private objects against the owner's wishes. Also, robot sensors are noisy, late, and wrong, which makes it difficult to accurately obscure private objects in the robot's video feed. Our group is working on several projects to create privacy-conscious robots that are easy to interact with and that make users feel comfortable about their privacy.


Probabilistic Privacy

Privacy Costmaps

Physical Marker Interfaces

Robotics and the Arts

Robotics is unique in the way that it can be applied and utilized in a number of different fields and disciplines. One of least common collaborative projects is between robotics and art. Robotics can provide a new layer to artistic expression. By exploring this new medium both roboticists and artists can provide new insight and meaning into existing and future artistic pieces.

Action Jackson

Robots in Theatre

Learning from Demonstration

Due to the complexity of modern robots, learning becomes an easily intractable task. Learning from Demonstration allows roboticists to initialize the knowledge of the robot close to the true solution. The robot can then perform reinforcement learning to optimze the demonstration given. This is simple given an able-bodied user, but many assumptions break down when the user is disabled and the demonstrations given are highly suboptimal.

Dimensionality Reduced Reinforcement Learning

Upcoming Projects:

  • Movie Reel Intefaces for Learning from Demonstration Feedback

Assistive Robotics

Using assistive HRI for those with extreme disabilities poses new problems for current HRI techniques. These individuals have minimal ability to move and speak, and need extended care all day, every day. Robotics can be used to assist those with extreme disabilities and give these individuals greater independence.

Shared Autonomy Interfaces for Physical Devices

Attention Detection and Conversation Facilitation for the Physically Disabled

Project Chiron

Electro-oculography Implementation

Supportive Health Care

We are exploring effective ways to leverage robots’ immunity to highly infectious diseases to fight current and future outbreaks.

Our work, fueled by the White House’s 2014 Ebola Challenge, seeks to develop technologies to help protect general health care workers at the front line of disease outbreaks while still providing necessary care to patients. We are using the latest Ebola outbreak as the backdrop for our work.

We are also keenly interested in the delicate and meaningful interactions that take place between humans and robots within this specific space. What are the cultural and social issues that arise and need to be a addressed when a care givers tends to a patient via an autonomous and/or teleoperated robot?

OSU's Ebola Treatment Unit

General Health Care Task Execution


Temporal Path Planning

As Autonomous As Possible (The Reinforcement Learning State Machine)
