HUDL aims at building interactive data-centric systems that collaborate with humans to achieve common goals, e.g., training ML models or exploring data for novel patterns. These systems identify and adapt to the human’s learning and reasoning so their collaboration converge to the desired results quickly.

ShiftScope: Adapting Visualization Recommendations to Users’ Dynamic Data Focus [Tutorial_Video]
Sanad Saha, Nischal Aryal, Leilani Battle and Arash Termehchy
The Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data (SIGMOD) 2024, [Demonstration Proposal] (to appear)
User Learning In Interactive Data Exploration [BibTex]
Sanad Saha, Nischal Aryal, Leilani Battle and Arash Termehchy
40th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) [Lightening Talk], May, 2024.
How Does User Behavior Evolve During Exploratory Visual Analysis? [Poster] [BibTex]
Sanad Saha, Nischal Aryal, Leilani Battle and Arash Termehchy
AAAI workshop on Collaborative AI and Modeling of Humans, February, 2024.
Exploratory Training: When Annotators Learn About Data [Slides]
Rajesh Shreshta,Omeed Habibelahian, Arash Termehchy, and Paolo Papotti
The Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data (SIGMOD), Vol2, 2023.
The Data Interaction Game [One-slide teaser] [Slides]
Ben McCamish, Vahid Ghadakchi, Arash Termehchy, Behrouz Touri and Liang Huang
The Proceedings of SIGMOD, June 2018.
Selected as one of the best papers in SIGMOD 2018
There is no Dichotomy Between Effectiveness and Efficiency in Keyword Query Processing [PDF] [Slides]
Vahid Ghadakchi, Arash Termehchy
The Proceedings of ICDE (Lightening Talk), April, 2018.
Reaching Mutual Understanding in a Society of Humans and Data Systems [PDF]
Arash Termehchy
The Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR), January 2017
A Signaling Game Approach to Databases Querying and Interaction [PDF]
Arash Termehchy, Behrouz Touri
The Proceedings of the SIGIR International Conference on The Theory of Information Retrieval (Short Paper), September 2015
version of this paper appeared at the NIPS Workshop on Learning, Inference and Control of Multi-Agent Systems, November 2015