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Abate A, Hurst JW, Hatton RL.  2016.  Mechanical Antagonism in Legged Robots. {Proceedings of the Robotics: Science and Systems Conference}. :1–8.
Abate A, Hatton RL, Hurst J.  2015.  Passive-Dynamic Leg Design for Agile Robots. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation.
Aguilar J, Zhang T, Qian F, Kingsbury M, McInroe B, Mazouchova N, Li C, Maladen R, Gong C, Travers M et al..  2016.  A review on locomotion robophysics: the study of movement at the intersection of robotics, soft matter and dynamical systems. Reports on Progress in Physics. 79:110001.
Asselmeier M, Hatton RL, Mengüç Y, Olson G.  2020.  Evaluation of a Circumferential Extending Antagonist Actuator in a Soft Arm. IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft).
Astley HC, Mendelson, III JR, Dai J, Gong C, Chong B, Rieser JM, Schiebel PE, Sharpe SS, Hatton RL, Choset H et al..  2020.  Surprising simplicities and syntheses in limbless self-propulsion in sand. Journal of Experimental Biology . 223
Bittner B, Hatton RL, Revzen S.  2018.  Geometrically optimal gaits: a data-driven approach. Nonlinear Dynamics. 94:1933–1948.
Branyan C, Hatton RL, Mengüç Y.  2020.  Snake-Inspired Kirigami Skin for Lateral Undulation of a Soft Snake Robot. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 5:1728–1733.
Branyan C, Fleming C, Remaley J, Kothari A, Tumer K, Hatton RL, Mengüç Y.  2017.  Soft snake robots: Mechanical design and geometric gait implementation. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO).
Brock Z, Nelson J, Hatton RL.  2019.  A Comparison of Lateral Dynamic Models for Tractor-Trailer Systems. IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV).
Carpenter R, Hatton R, Balasubramanian R.  2014.  Comparison of contact capabilities for underactuated parallel jaw grippers for use on industrial robots. Proceedings of the ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference.
Carpenter R, Hatton R, Balasubramanian R.  2015.  Evaluation of linear and revolute underactuated grippers for steel foundry operations. Industrial Robot: An International Journal. 42:314-323.
Dai J, Faraji H, Gong C, Hatton RL, Goldman DI, Choset H.  2016.  Geometric Swimming on a Granular Surface. {Proceedings of the Robotics: Science and Systems Conference}. :1–8.
Dear T, Hatton RL, Choset H.  2014.  Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction for Kinematic Cartography with an Application Toward Robotic Locomotion. Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS).
Dear T, Hatton RL, Travers MA, Choset H.  2013.  Snakeboard Motion Planning with Local Trajectory Information. Proceedings of the ASME Dynamic Systems and Controls Conference (DSCC).
Faraji H, Veile S, Hemleben S, Zaytsev P, Wright J, Luchsinger H, Hatton RL.  2015.  Impulse Redirection of a Tethered Projectile. Proceedings of the ASME Dynamic Systems and Controls Conference (DSCC).
Faraji H, Tachella R, Hatton RL.  2016.  Aiming and Vaulting: Spider Inspired Leaping for Jumping Robots. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).
Hatton RL, Knepper RA, Choset H, Rollinson D, Gong C, Galceran E.  2013.  Snakes on a Plan: Toward Combining Planning and Control. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation.
Hatton RL, Dear T, Choset H.  2017.  Kinematic Cartography and the Efficiency of Viscous Swimming. IEEE Transactions on Robotics. 33:523–535.
Hatton RL, Choset H.  2010.  Optimizing Coordinate Choice for Locomoting Systems. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. :4493–4498.
Hatton RL, Choset H.  2011.  Kinematic Cartography for Locomotion at Low Reynolds Numbers. Proceedings of Robotics: Science and Systems VII.
Hatton RL, Choset H.  2010.  Generating Gaits for Snake Robots: Annealed Chain Fitting and Keyframe Wave Extraction. Autonomous Robots, Special Issue on Locomotion. 28:271–281.
Hatton RL, Burton LJ, Hosoi AE, Choset H.  2011.  Geometric Maneuverability, with Applications to Low Reynolds Number Swimming. Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems.
Hatton RL, Choset H.  2010.  Connection Vector Fields and Optimized Coordinates for Swimming Systems at Low and High Reynolds Numbers. Proceedings of the ASME Dynamic Systems and Controls Conference (DSCC).
Hatton RL, Choset H.  2013.  Geometric Swimming at Low and High Reynolds Numbers. IEEE Transactions on Robotics. 29:615–624.
Hatton RL, Choset H.  2011.  Geometric Motion Planning: The Local Connection, Stokes' Theorem, and the Importance of Coordinate Choice. International Journal of Robotics Research. 30:988-1014.
Hatton RL, Choset H.  2015.  Nonconservativity and Noncommutativity in Locomotion. European Physical Journal Special Topics: Dynamics of Animal Systems. 224:3141–3174.
Hatton R.L, Choset H., Ding Y., Goldman D.I.  2013.  Geometric Visualization of Self-Propulsion in a Complex Medium. Physical Review Letters. 110:078101.
Hatton RL, Choset H.  2010.  Sidewinding on Slopes. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. :691–696.
Hill L, Woodward T, Arisumi H, Hatton RL.  2015.  Wrapping a Target with a Tethered Projectile. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation.
Lippincott K, Hatton RL, Grimm C.  2019.  Aesthetics of curvature bases for sketches. ACM/Eurographics Expressive.